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Come meet me a little.

Em 2021, abri oficialmente o Debee Beauté, focando principalmente na transformação da imagem de homens e mulheres através do Método Kibbe. Em 2022 abri nosso primeiro curso profissionalizante para consultoras de imagem e também a divulgação pioneira no Brasil do sistema das Essências de Estilo. E em 2023 transformei a teoria Kibbe em uma metodologia para fotografia.


Entendo e acredito fortemente que minha maior missão como profissional é fazer com que o outro se sinta visto, captado e representado na sua totalidade de beleza.


"26 years old and in love with fashion since childhood" -  I think this is the prologue to a story that tells much more than that. Pleasure, my name is Débora and it was based on a professional background, experience as a designer of a clothing brand and simply a lot of love for fashion that Debee Beauté started.

I try to structure my world of interests with something that is key to my personality: technique and personalization. I was the child who wanted to learn about everything and create everything, always with a new idea in mind. Deep down I'm still like that.

In image consulting I like to approach fashion and image from different perspectives, none of them limiting. I believe style always has to communicate who we are , not who they would like us to be . Because of that, even with a love  immense because of the technique, I flee from ready-made formulas and trends that do not suit the personality of each individual. My favorite quote says that we need to be careful with the story we tell about ourselves - and I want to be someone who helps illustrate amazing chapters in the lives of those I work.

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